Copyright 2025 - Controvento Società Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S., Via Calcinaro 1458 - 47522 Cesena (FC)

Who we are

Controvento is an actor in non-formal education and since 2002 has worked at a local, European and Euro-Mediterranean level.

Controvento develops collaborative projects involving children or teenagers with the aim of promoting knowledge, empowerment and autonomy, sense of belonging and agentivity.

Controvento works in partnership with institutions and collaborates with public administrations, universities, research centres, schools and other educational resources in the region.

Internationally, Controvento in 2009 co-founded the European platform YPSSI, Young People and Science in Society Issues and became a member of its scientific committee. In 2011 it helped start and then became a partner in the network of young Europeans EYES, Empowering Youth in a European Society. In 2015 it co-founded the collaborative platform ALLISS, Alliance Sciences Sociétés, which is a member of the scientific committee and collaborates in the working groups "Inter-Mediation Action Research" and "Third Mission of Higher Education".

Every year Controvento accompanies several hundred children and young people on educational courses on science, sustainability, coexistence and civic engagement. In addition, it hosts and trains young European educators and organizes training courses for nursery, primary and secondary school teachers.

Controvento’s activities are accredited by the Inspectorate of Public Education for the Province of Forlì-Cesena and is recognized and supported by the Local Public Authorities and the European Union.