Copyright 2025 - Controvento Società Cooperativa Sociale O.N.L.U.S., Via Calcinaro 1458 - 47522 Cesena (FC)

Erasmus+ project "Young people committed to biodiversity at IUCN"

The IUCN World Conservation Congress is where the world comes together to set priorities and drive conservation and sustainable development action. IUCN’s 1300+ government, civil society and indigenous peoples’ Member organisations vote on major issues, action which guides humanity’s relationship with our planet for the decades ahead. IUCN’s unique and inclusive membership gives the Congress a powerful mandate as it is not solely government or non-government, but both together.

The IUCN World Conservation Congress i will take place from 3 to 11 September 2021 in Marseille. A Euro-Mediterranean consortium of four non-formal education actors will form and accompany throughout the process a delegation of ten young people, who will actively participate in the conference. The youth delegation, which already met for the first time in Nancy, will form an editorial team during the congress. The aim of the young people is to monitor the process, to document it, to communicate it to other young people in their countries, to interact with experts and decision-makers. A broader aim is the weaving of a network of young people to continue working on the theme of biodiversity in each of their home territories after the event. Controvento coordinates the project in Italy. The partner countries are France, Morocco and Belgium.
