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Horizon Europe project LOESS: ‘Literacy boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal actors on Soil health’


A new Horizon project to improve soil health literacy in Europe:


  • Under the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’ twenty European institutions started in June 2023 to work together to map and co-create methodologies and tools to improve soil literacy in Europe and engage with the soil user community and society at large

19th of June 2023


The Horizon Europe project LOESS: ‘Literacy boost through an Operational Educational Ecosystem of Societal actors on Soil health’ officially started in June 2023. Under the EU Mission ‘A Soil Deal for Europe’, twenty partner organizations will be joining efforts during three years to map, co-create, and test methodologies and tools in fifteen countries across Europe.


The final goal of the LOESS project is to raise awareness on the importance of soil and its functions and to increase soil literacy across Europe. For this purpose, the consortium will be working to map and connect multiple actors and provide an overview of the current level of soil education related offers; to identify educational needs on soil health literacy; and to co-create and pilot a variety of courses, modules and learning tools. Such tools and methodologies will be distributed by campaigning and promoting hands-on activities related to soil education through Community Engaged Research and Learning (CERL). All in all, LOESS will boost soil literacy by building an educational ecosystem that enhances capacity building, knowledge exchange and peer-to-peer learning amongst the addressed target groups.


Partners involved

The LOESS project will involve twenty institutions under the coordination of WILA Bonn:


  • Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e. V. (WILA Bonn), Germany - Project coordinator
  • European Schoolnet (EUN), Belgium
  • Vetenskap & Allmänhet (VA), Sweden
  • University of Innsbruck (UIBK), Austria
  • University of Sassari (UNISS), Italy
  • Justinmind SL (JIM), Spain
  • Technological University Dublin (TUD), Ireland
  • University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (UCM), Slovakia
  • Wageningen University (WU), Netherlands
  • Center for Promotion of Science (CPN), Serbia
  • Social Innovation Institute (SII), Lithuania
  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU), Poland
  • Controvento Social Cooperative Society (ControV), Italy
  • Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), Spain
  • ANS Education and Consultancy Ltd (ANS), Turkey
  • University of Brescia (UNIBS), Italy
  • University of Vechta (UoV), Germany
  • APOPSI Information and Communication Technology, Consulting and Training Services S.A. (APOPSI), Greece
  • The Queen's University of Belfast, United Kingdom
  • Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary


Key exploitable results and outputs

Through the implementation of a Crowd Mapping tool and providing the methodology and guidelines for implementing future problem-based research, LOESS will identify and address local soil problems and set up community-based research projects based on questions raised by multiple actors. Augmented Reality (AR) applications with 3D models, animations, simulations and interactive parts and training modules and courses for schools and Higher Education Institutes will be made available through target group and methodology focused campaigns.




Contact information:

Norbert Steinhaus - WILA Bonn (project coordinator)

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LOESS has received funding from the European’s Horizone Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No. 101112707

